The New Wineskin Revival, written by Marcos de Souza Borges, also known as Pastor Coty, is a work dedicated to diagnosing the deep roots of the problems afflicting the current generation, revealing how the disintegration of the family has contributed to a series of social pathologies. In a context marked by violence and the challenges of modern life, the author explores how the destruction of family bonds has created a cycle of broken relationships and wounded souls.
The culture of “non-marriage” and “no-fault divorce” has left a devastating legacy, depleting the moral and emotional capacity of an entire generation. People who have been exploited, abandoned, abused, and betrayed often find themselves trapped in a cycle of frustration and pain, perpetuating their own wounds.
To please God and overcome this multiplication of iniquity and the advance of evil, it is essential to abandon superficial religiosity and embrace a wise faith that translates Jesus’ sacrifice into concrete and transformative actions. This book aims, from the perspective of the family, to diagnose the roots of these problems and provide the necessary tools to heal the soul, renew the mind, transform character, release gifts, unlock callings, rehabilitate ministries, and revive the church.
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